Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Fun!

I thought we could share some ideas for activities this summer with our kids. We are always looking for something constructive and fun to do. Here are some that we've found:

Make a quick patriotic tee for the 4th with this tutorial from Family Fun

Make bubbles at home!

Basic Bubbles

2 tblsp dish soap
1 cup water

Sweet Bubbles

1 tblsp corn syrup
2 tblsp dish soap
1 cup water

Magic Bubbles

1 tblsp glycerin
2 tblsp dish soap
9 oz water

Color Bubbles

1 cup liquid tempra paints
2 tblsp dish detergent
1 tblsp liquid starch

Hints for making bubble solutions

  • Mix up the recipes the day before for best results.
  • Glycerin is inexpensive and can be found in most drug stores. The children think that the bubbles are so much better that it is worth keeping a small bottle on hand.
  • Do NOT use the Sweet Bubbles recipe if you have bees or wasps in your yard.
  • Try using sugar or honey if you don't have corn syrup in the house.
  • Color Bubbles can be a bit messy. Be sure to use paint that can wash out. You can add a little water if the mix is too thick.
  • Karo syrup does just as well as glycerin in the bubble mixture. But watch out for wasps if you are using it outdoors!

Homemade play doh

Homemade Play Doh

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 tablespoon oil
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • a few drops of food coloring

Mix all but the last ingredient in a small saucepan. Cook over a very low heat until it turns into a dough (it’ll take just a few minutes). Knead the dough on a floured surface until cool enough for kids to touch. Separate the dough into as many colors as you want to make. Put just a few drops of coloring in each ball and knead until evenly mixed.

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